Twins playing: Guerds & Indjina (Naples, FL), Heidi & Holly (Mission Viejo), Jessica & Nina (Waycross, GA), Josh & Jacob (Berwick, PA), Anthony & Julian (Astoria, NY), Nicole & Lauren (Toronto), Victor & Vincent (Durham) & Spencer & Skyler (grew up in Wauconda, IL)
In a Grimm’s fairy tale a girl encountered a big bad wolf while wearing what color riding hood?
G&I: Red
A 3-piece suit consists of trousers, a jacket & what other garment?
H&H: Waistcoat– BANK
Cake decorator or interior decorator- who checks if the carpet matches the drapes?
J&N: Interior decorator
Used in the Gemini & Mercury missions what powdered orange beverage was advertised as the drink of astronauts?
J&J: Hi-C
Acc. to a bummer statement your parents say “Money doesn’t grow on…” what?
A&J: Trees
The man on your screen was the 1st to win a Pulitzer Prize for a piece in what musical genre?
N&L: Jazz– BANK
What time management technique that breaks up tasks into 25min increments was named for the Italian word for “tomato”?
V&V: Tomato (A: Pomadora)
If you’re looking for a nice ream head to STAPLES for 500 sheets of what?
S&S: Paper
Acc. to The New York Times which day of the wk feat. the easiest crossword puzzle to solve?
G&I: Sun. (A: Mon.)
Oprah has what middle name which sounds like the 1st name of her best friend?
H&H: Myra (A: Gayle)
Dr. Kenneth Cooper coined the name of what exercise seen here?
J&N: Pilates (A: Aerobics)
On avg what celestial body in our solar system’s about 239K miles from Earth?
J&J: Moon
What B word’s a piece of bedroom furniture as well as the B in FBI?
A&J: Bureau– BANK
You’ll need good vision to notice which President on Mt Rushmore’s wearing glasses?
N&L: Roosevelt ($6K)
Votes: J&J/V&V/V&V/V&V/H&H/G&I/H&H/H&H
Acc. to the childhood song if you & I were “sitting in a tree” what else would we be doing?
N&L: Kissing
Chain-link & barbed wire are types of what barrier intended to keep animals in or intruders out?
V&V: Fence– BANK
“SNL” or Kim Kardashian- which 1 did Pete Davidson leave after 7yrs?
S&S: “SNL”
In astronomy what does the U stand for in UFO?
G&I: Universal
In the TV series “La Brea” people fell into a prehistoric world via tar pits in what city?
J&N: San Bernardino (A: L.A.)
This baseball Hall of Famer had a mustache named for what part of a bicycle?
J&J: Handlebar
Nephrology is the branch of medicine that specializes in what organ?
A&J: Liver (A: Kidney)
If you order Kung Pao Chicken from your favorite takeout place what ethnic cuisine are you eating?
N&L: Chinese– BANK
OMG or LOL- which is a category of vacation rental on airbnb?
Arches, loops & whorls are 3 patterns commonly analyzed in what type of crime scene evidence?
S&S: Blood (A: Fingerprints)
Jon Ossoff used the slogan “Vote Your Ossoff” when he ran for the U.S. Senate seat of what state?
G&I: AR (A: GA)
Based on its most prominent feature this Japanese artwork was commonly known as “The Great…” what?
J&N: “…Expression” (A: “…Wave”)
No time for: In what Olympic sport would you see a man lunging w/ his saber? (A: Fencing)($9.5K)
Votes: N&L/G&I/G&I/G&I/J&N/J&N/J&N
Not coincidentally Singles Awareness Day occurs the day after what Feb. holiday?
N&L: Valentines Day
If you’re graduating from slippers to pointe shoes you’re most likely advancing in what form of dance?
V&V: Irish (A: Ballet)
Neil, Patrick or Harris- which is the last name of a U.S. Vice-President?
S&S: Harris– BANK
What primary color was the title of a song by Coldplay?
J&N: “Blue”
The creature on your screen’s what flying fork-tongued sugar fiend?
J&J: Hummingbird– BANK
Before going private what fine art auction house traded on the NYSE using the ticker symbol “BID”?
A&J: BITCOIN (A: Sotheby’s)
A tattoo covering most of your arm’s commonly called what part of a shirt?
N&L: Sleeve
If you’re sitting at the bar & realize you have a loose stool you might fix the wobble w/ a Phillips-head what?
V&V: Screwdriver– BANK
The silhouette on your screen belonged to what former late-night talk show host?
S&S: Arsenio Hall– BANK
Taye Diggs made his big screen debut when he helped what title character “get her groove back”?
J&N: Stella– BANK
BART or LISA- which is a public transit system that serves San Francisco?
In what young adult adventure series did teens try to escape “The Glade” by dashing through a labyrinth?
A&J: “The Magic School Bus” (A: “The Maze Runner”)
No time for: What MLB team plays its home games at Rogers Centre where they serve pickle poutine covered in peanut butter gravy? (A: Blue Jays)($16K)
Votes: V&V/A&J/V&V/J&N/A&J/A&J
Acc. to a popular saying how many does it take to tango?
S&S: 2
The color of George Clooney’s hair has been described as what 2 condiments?
J&N: Salt & pepper– BANK
Spain or Italy- which country’s home to the famed Spanish Steps?
J&J: Spain
Also the maker of the racket w/ a W inked on its strings what co. supplies the official tennis balls of the U.S. Open?
N&L: Wilson
What T word would a lumberjack most likely shout to warn others about a falling tree?
V&V: Timber– BANK
After playing Nintendo Wii James Park was inspired to create what wearable exercise-tracking device?
S&S: fitbit– BANK
When exposed to water iron oxidizes which creates what 4-letter compound?
J&N: Rust
What’s this person telling you to do in American Sign Language?
J&J: Stop
Squishy or squatchee- which is a common name for the button on top of a baseball cap?
N&L: Squatchee– BANK
An old shed was a portal to a parallel universe in Fairy Tale, a bestselling novel by what horror writer?
V&V: R.L. Stine (A: Stephen King)
Jack Harlow sampled Fergie’s #1 hit “Glamorous” in what song about fancy accommodations “up in the sky”?
S&S: “First Class”– BANK
On Instagram the icon used for sending or sharing a post is a paper what?
J&N: Plane– BANK
In a classic holiday film what stop-motion character was the Pumpkin King of Halloweentown?
J&J: “The Nightmare Before Christmas” (A: Jack Skellington)
No time for: What Paul Giamatti series on SHOWTIME did the New York Times refer to as “wealth porn”? (A: “Billions”)($41K)
Votes: V&V/V&V/J&J/J&J/V&V
An expression often said in casinos is “Winner, winner, chicken…” what?
J&N: “…dinner”
What vowel’s the most commonly used letter in English?
Despite its name what type of cymbals seen here wouldn’t sit well on your head?
N&L: L (A: Hi-hat)
A NY statue appeared in the background of commercials for what company whose slogan was “Only pay for what you need”?
S&S: Liberty Mutual– BANK
The early 2000s movies “About a Boy” & “High Fidelity” were based on books by what British author?
J&N: Tom Rank (A: Nick Hornby)
What chess piece does each player start w/ 8 of?
J&J: Pawns
What planer in our solar system’s known for its “Great Red Spot” which is larger than Earth?
N&L: Mars
Coast is an acronym for what delicious street food?
S&S: Toast
If Chris Rock brought his pet rock to Plymouth Rock what state would he be in?
J&N: ME (A: MA)
Nina Totenberg’s memoir Dinners with Ruth was about her friendship w/ what former Supreme Court Justice?
J&J: X (A: Ruth Bader Ginsburg)
No time for: What fancy name for a dead-end street came from a French term meaning “bottom of the bag”? (A: Cul-de-sac)($48.5K)
Votes: S&S/N&L/J&N/N&L
Someone who’s paid to write a book that someone else gets the credit for is known by what spooky term?
J&J: Editor
If you go to Zales & ask for the birthstone for May what green gem will they give you?
S&S: Emerald– BANK
Taken from the title of a 1944 movie what verb’s defined as making someone question their own reality?
J&N: “Going Crazy” (A: “Gaslight”)
Who made headlines by belting out a song when accepting her 2022 Emmy for Supporting Actress?
J&J: Liza Minnelli (A: Sheryl Lee Ralph)
Known for its beer what German celebration orig. as an annual horse race?
S&S: Oktoberfest– BANK
What salty fruit comes in varieties like Kalamata & Manzanilla?
J&N: Kiwi
“Piloerection” is a fancy medical term for what condition that occurs when you get creeped out or really cold?
J&J: Shivering (A: Goosebumps)
What President’s middle name’s Robinette?
S&S: Lincoln (A: Biden)
Before he was on “Community” Donald Glover played young Tracy Morgan on what sitcom he also wrote for?
J&N: “Community” (A: “30 ROCK”)($53.5K)
Votes: S&S/S&S/J&J
Like many teens Jeff Bezos’ 1st job at age 16 was at what fast-food restaurant?
J&J: McDonald’s
What classic party game was orig. called Pretzel by its inventors before being sold to Milton Bradley in the ’60s?
J&N: Twister
The royal burial ground known as the “Valley of the Kings” is located in what country in northeast Africa?
J&J: Egypt
What former L.A. Laker spins records around the world as D.J. Diesel?
J&N: Shaquille O’Neal
What actor has won an OSCAR for “Dallas Buyers Club” & a Razzie for “House of Gucci”?
J&J: Don Reed (A: Jared Leto)
What tiny Caribbean island’s the only sovereign nation named for a woman?
J&N: St Lucia
In the U.K. a Tory is an informal term for a member of what political party once led by Winston Churchill?
J&J: Republican (A: Conservative)
W/ songs like “Frozen” & “Deeper and Deeper” whose 2022 album commemorates her as the 1st artist w/ 50 #1 hits on a single Billboard chart?
J&N: Adele (A: Madonna)
What abolitionist led the famous 1859 raid on Harper’s Ferry?
J&J: Winchester (A: John Brown)