“Weakest Link”- 3RD S.P. (2025)

Twins playing: Guerds & Indjina (Naples, FL), Heidi & Holly (Mission Viejo), Jessica & Nina (Waycross, GA), Josh & Jacob (Berwick, PA), Anthony & Julian (Astoria, NY), Nicole & Lauren (Toronto), Victor & Vincent (Durham) & Spencer & Skyler (grew up in Wauconda, IL)

In a Grimm’s fairy tale a girl encountered a big bad wolf while wearing what color riding hood?
G&I: Red
A 3-piece suit consists of trousers, a jacket & what other garment?
H&H: WaistcoatBANK
Cake decorator or interior decorator- who checks if the carpet matches the drapes?
J&N: Interior decorator
Used in the Gemini & Mercury missions what powdered orange beverage was advertised as the drink of astronauts?
J&J: Hi-C
Acc. to a bummer statement your parents say “Money doesn’t grow on…” what?
A&J: Trees
The man on your screen was the 1st to win a Pulitzer Prize for a piece in what musical genre?
What time management technique that breaks up tasks into 25min increments was named for the Italian word for “tomato”?
V&V: Tomato (A: Pomadora)
If you’re looking for a nice ream head to STAPLES for 500 sheets of what?
S&S: Paper
Acc. to The New York Times which day of the wk feat. the easiest crossword puzzle to solve?
G&I: Sun. (A: Mon.)
Oprah has what middle name which sounds like the 1st name of her best friend?
H&H: Myra (A: Gayle)
Dr. Kenneth Cooper coined the name of what exercise seen here?
J&N: Pilates (A: Aerobics)
On avg what celestial body in our solar system’s about 239K miles from Earth?
J&J: Moon
What B word’s a piece of bedroom furniture as well as the B in FBI?
A&J: BureauBANK
You’ll need good vision to notice which President on Mt Rushmore’s wearing glasses?
N&L: Roosevelt ($6K)


Votes: J&J/V&V/V&V/V&V/H&H/G&I/H&H/H&H

Acc. to the childhood song if you & I were “sitting in a tree” what else would we be doing?
N&L: Kissing
Chain-link & barbed wire are types of what barrier intended to keep animals in or intruders out?
V&V: FenceBANK
“SNL” or Kim Kardashian- which 1 did Pete Davidson leave after 7yrs?
S&S: “SNL”
In astronomy what does the U stand for in UFO?
G&I: Universal
In the TV series “La Brea” people fell into a prehistoric world via tar pits in what city?
J&N: San Bernardino (A: L.A.)
This baseball Hall of Famer had a mustache named for what part of a bicycle?
J&J: Handlebar
Nephrology is the branch of medicine that specializes in what organ?
A&J: Liver (A: Kidney)
If you order Kung Pao Chicken from your favorite takeout place what ethnic cuisine are you eating?
N&L: ChineseBANK
OMG or LOL- which is a category of vacation rental on airbnb?
Arches, loops & whorls are 3 patterns commonly analyzed in what type of crime scene evidence?
S&S: Blood (A: Fingerprints)
Jon Ossoff used the slogan “Vote Your Ossoff” when he ran for the U.S. Senate seat of what state?
G&I: AR (A: GA)
Based on its most prominent feature this Japanese artwork was commonly known as “The Great…” what?
J&N: “…Expression” (A: “…Wave”)
No time for: In what Olympic sport would you see a man lunging w/ his saber? (A: Fencing)($9.5K)


Votes: N&L/G&I/G&I/G&I/J&N/J&N/J&N

Not coincidentally Singles Awareness Day occurs the day after what Feb. holiday?
N&L: Valentines Day
If you’re graduating from slippers to pointe shoes you’re most likely advancing in what form of dance?
V&V: Irish (A: Ballet)
Neil, Patrick or Harris- which is the last name of a U.S. Vice-President?
S&S: HarrisBANK
What primary color was the title of a song by Coldplay?
J&N: “Blue”
The creature on your screen’s what flying fork-tongued sugar fiend?
J&J: HummingbirdBANK
Before going private what fine art auction house traded on the NYSE using the ticker symbol “BID”?
A&J: BITCOIN (A: Sotheby’s)
A tattoo covering most of your arm’s commonly called what part of a shirt?
N&L: Sleeve
If you’re sitting at the bar & realize you have a loose stool you might fix the wobble w/ a Phillips-head what?
V&V: ScrewdriverBANK
The silhouette on your screen belonged to what former late-night talk show host?
S&S: Arsenio HallBANK
Taye Diggs made his big screen debut when he helped what title character “get her groove back”?
J&N: StellaBANK
BART or LISA- which is a public transit system that serves San Francisco?
In what young adult adventure series did teens try to escape “The Glade” by dashing through a labyrinth?
A&J: “The Magic School Bus” (A: “The Maze Runner”)
No time for: What MLB team plays its home games at Rogers Centre where they serve pickle poutine covered in peanut butter gravy? (A: Blue Jays)($16K)


Votes: V&V/A&J/V&V/J&N/A&J/A&J

Acc. to a popular saying how many does it take to tango?
S&S: 2
The color of George Clooney’s hair has been described as what 2 condiments?
J&N: Salt & pepperBANK
Spain or Italy- which country’s home to the famed Spanish Steps?
J&J: Spain
Also the maker of the racket w/ a W inked on its strings what co. supplies the official tennis balls of the U.S. Open?
N&L: Wilson
What T word would a lumberjack most likely shout to warn others about a falling tree?
V&V: TimberBANK
After playing Nintendo Wii James Park was inspired to create what wearable exercise-tracking device?
S&S: fitbitBANK
When exposed to water iron oxidizes which creates what 4-letter compound?
J&N: Rust
What’s this person telling you to do in American Sign Language?
J&J: Stop
Squishy or squatchee- which is a common name for the button on top of a baseball cap?
N&L: SquatcheeBANK
An old shed was a portal to a parallel universe in Fairy Tale, a bestselling novel by what horror writer?
V&V: R.L. Stine (A: Stephen King)
Jack Harlow sampled Fergie’s #1 hit “Glamorous” in what song about fancy accommodations “up in the sky”?
S&S: “First Class”BANK
On Instagram the icon used for sending or sharing a post is a paper what?
J&N: PlaneBANK
In a classic holiday film what stop-motion character was the Pumpkin King of Halloweentown?
J&J: “The Nightmare Before Christmas” (A: Jack Skellington)
No time for: What Paul Giamatti series on SHOWTIME did the New York Times refer to as “wealth porn”? (A: “Billions”)($41K)


Votes: V&V/V&V/J&J/J&J/V&V

An expression often said in casinos is “Winner, winner, chicken…” what?
J&N: “…dinner”
What vowel’s the most commonly used letter in English?
Despite its name what type of cymbals seen here wouldn’t sit well on your head?
N&L: L (A: Hi-hat)
A NY statue appeared in the background of commercials for what company whose slogan was “Only pay for what you need”?
S&S: Liberty MutualBANK
The early 2000s movies “About a Boy” & “High Fidelity” were based on books by what British author?
J&N: Tom Rank (A: Nick Hornby)
What chess piece does each player start w/ 8 of?
J&J: Pawns
What planer in our solar system’s known for its “Great Red Spot” which is larger than Earth?
N&L: Mars
Coast is an acronym for what delicious street food?
S&S: Toast
If Chris Rock brought his pet rock to Plymouth Rock what state would he be in?
J&N: ME (A: MA)
Nina Totenberg’s memoir Dinners with Ruth was about her friendship w/ what former Supreme Court Justice?
J&J: X (A: Ruth Bader Ginsburg)
No time for: What fancy name for a dead-end street came from a French term meaning “bottom of the bag”? (A: Cul-de-sac)($48.5K)


Votes: S&S/N&L/J&N/N&L

Someone who’s paid to write a book that someone else gets the credit for is known by what spooky term?
J&J: Editor
If you go to Zales & ask for the birthstone for May what green gem will they give you?
S&S: Emerald– BANK
Taken from the title of a 1944 movie what verb’s defined as making someone question their own reality?
J&N: “Going Crazy” (A: “Gaslight”)
Who made headlines by belting out a song when accepting her 2022 Emmy for Supporting Actress?
J&J: Liza Minnelli (A: Sheryl Lee Ralph)
Known for its beer what German celebration orig. as an annual horse race?
S&S: OktoberfestBANK
What salty fruit comes in varieties like Kalamata & Manzanilla?
J&N: Kiwi
“Piloerection” is a fancy medical term for what condition that occurs when you get creeped out or really cold?
J&J: Shivering (A: Goosebumps)
What President’s middle name’s Robinette?
S&S: Lincoln (A: Biden)
Before he was on “Community” Donald Glover played young Tracy Morgan on what sitcom he also wrote for?
J&N: “Community” (A: “30 ROCK”)($53.5K)


Votes: S&S/S&S/J&J


Like many teens Jeff Bezos’ 1st job at age 16 was at what fast-food restaurant?
J&J: McDonald’s
What classic party game was orig. called Pretzel by its inventors before being sold to Milton Bradley in the ’60s?
J&N: Twister

The royal burial ground known as the “Valley of the Kings” is located in what country in northeast Africa?
J&J: Egypt
What former L.A. Laker spins records around the world as D.J. Diesel?
J&N: Shaquille O’Neal

What actor has won an OSCAR for “Dallas Buyers Club” & a Razzie for “House of Gucci”?
J&J: Don Reed (A: Jared Leto)
What tiny Caribbean island’s the only sovereign nation named for a woman?
J&N: St Lucia

In the U.K. a Tory is an informal term for a member of what political party once led by Winston Churchill?
J&J: Republican (A: Conservative)
W/ songs like “Frozen” & “Deeper and Deeper” whose 2022 album commemorates her as the 1st artist w/ 50 #1 hits on a single Billboard chart?
J&N: Adele (A: Madonna)

What abolitionist led the famous 1859 raid on Harper’s Ferry?
J&J: Winchester (A: John Brown)

“Weakest Link”- 3RD S.P. (2025)


How do I stop being The Weakest Link? ›

Stop Feeling Like the Weakest Link
  1. Never Stop Believing in Your Abilities. The most important person you should believe in is yourself. ...
  2. Remember Mistakes Will Happen. Making mistakes is ok. ...
  3. Find Your Areas of Improvement and Work on Them. ...
  4. Celebrate Your Wins. ...
  5. Remember Why You Started and Keep at It.

How old is Anne Robinson on The Weakest Link? ›

The 79-year old broadcaster is best known for her presenting roles on The Weakest Link and Countdown.

What is the best strategy for The Weakest Link? ›

The key to success in "The Weakest Link" is to bank at the right times. Don't bank often enough and the risk becomes to high; bank too often, and the rewards are limited.

What are weakest link failures? ›

The use of a weak element that will fail in order to protect other elements in the system from damage. It is said that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

What is the weakest link syndrome? ›

What is Weakest Link Syndrome? Weakest Link Syndrome refers to the experience of feeling like you're the slowest one in the group and that it's harder for you than it is for other people.

What is the weakest link rule? ›

We will therefore use the shortcut we call the weakest link rule, which consists of simply finding the component that has the largest percentage uncertainty, and using that as the total uncertainty, without ever computing the quadature.

What is the point of banking in the weakest link? ›

An incorrect answer breaks the chain and loses all the money accumulated up to that point; however, a contestant can say "bank" prior to their question being asked, the accumulated money is stored, and the chain resets to zero.

Has anyone run the chain in Weakest Link? ›

Host Jane Lynch Is Shocked When the Group of Military Veterans Run the ChainWeakest LinkNBC. Host Jane Lynch is totally surprised that "this band of brothers and sisters ran the chain." Watch Weakest Link Mondays at 10/9c on NBC and streaming on Peacock.

What is the most you can win on the weakest link? ›

The most money won on the original NBC version was $189,500 on the Tournament of Losers special (also making it the most money ever won on the show worldwide). The lowest won was $22,500 on the Fear Factor Champions special. The lowest amount won on the daytime version was $1,000, while the highest was $53,000.

Why is personnel security the weakest link? ›

Here are some other reasons why the human element is the weakest link in cybersecurity: Humans are often trusting and can be easily tricked by cybercriminals. Humans may not follow security best practices. Humans may click on malicious links or open attachments from unknown senders.

What is only as strong as its weakest link? ›

The chain is only as strong as its weakest link, for if that fails the chain fails and the object that it has been holding up falls to the ground. Thomas Reid, Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man.

Why is human factor considered as the weakest link? ›

Since phishing and social engineering attacks predominantly target individuals, the human factor remains critical for CISOs seeking to safeguard their organizations from cyber threats. Many data breaches stem from human errors, negligence, or a lack of awareness – often as simple as clicking the wrong link.

What makes someone the weakest link? ›

In teams, there's often someone who is considered to be the 'weakest link' - the one who gets stressed, the one who struggles to get everything done, the one who isn't fulfilling their potential, the one who doesn't speak up with their ideas, who worries about things and misses deadlines.

Why people considered the weakest link? ›

Four Reasons Why Humans are the Weakest Link

Humans are trusting by nature and want to believe in the best in people. We are more likely to fall for scams and social engineering attacks. Scammers and attackers know this, and they exploit our trust to get what they want from us.

How do I stop feeling for my sneaky link? ›

13 Ways to Not Catch Feelings
  1. 1 Be honest about what you want.
  2. 2 Set some ground rules.
  3. 3 Minimize calls and texts.
  4. 4 Stay off each other's social media.
  5. 5 See them only once or twice a month.
  6. 6 Hang out only at night.
  7. 7 Tell them you don't want any romantic gifts or gestures.
  8. 8 Avoid cuddling and PDA.

How can users avoid the weakest links? ›

5. Users Should Know and Avoid Common Mistakes
  • Not using a strong password.
  • Reusing passwords.
  • Not updating outdated software.
  • Storing personal data in unprotected areas.
  • Not backing up data regularly.
  • Using public networks to transfer private data.


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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.